
Instruction for abstract preparation

  1. All Abstracts must be written in ENGLISH (either American English or British English, but not a mixture of both). Graphs, figures and tables are not allowed.
  2. Prepare your abstract by downloading the 30thFAOBMB-8th BMB abstract template
  3. Use Times Roman font for your abstract
  4. Title: 14 pt, ALL CAPITAL, BOLD, Center
  5. Authors: List all authors (First name followed by Last name and separate each author by comma), using Times New Roman (12-pt), Center.  Presenting author should be bold.  Indicate corresponding author with asterisk (*) after the surname. If authors are from different institutions, use number with superscript after the surname to indicate different institutions.
  6. Affiliation: List all affiliations associated with all authors using Time New Roman (11-pt), italics, centered.
  7. Abstract body: Type your abstract with Times New roman (12-pt), single-space, with justified margin. Your abstract should not exceed 250 words. All cited references should be quoted with number and the list of reference should be listed at the end of your abstract. All abbreviations must be defined. Up to 5 key words, each separated by comma, should be provided at the end of your abstract.
  8. References: Use APA system for the reference.
  9. Your abstract will be reviewed and may be returned for the modification.


Instructions for proceeding paper preparation

  1. Proceeding paper must be original and have not been submitted or published elsewhere in largely identical form.
  2. Contributions that contain plagiarized contents are unacceptable, and if detected, will normally lead to rejection. The submitting author is responsible to inform all co-authors about the submission and its final results.
  3. The manuscript file must be prepared as Microsoft Word (Doc/Docx) using the templates which can be downloaded.
  4. The proceeding paper should not exceed 7 pages including figure, table and references.
  5. Figures can be color or grey scale, and saved as JPEG or TIFF format with 300 dpi resolution.  All figures should be embedded in the paper where appropriate.
  6. A single manuscript file containing text and illustrations should be submitted, and its size is not larger than 50 MB.
  7. Your manuscript will be peer-reviewed and may be returned for modification or revisions.

Instructions for oral presentation

  1. Please prepare your presentation using the PowerPoint program (in the ratio of 16:9) and upload it to an individual folder provided for you via email. If you encounter any problem for uploading your file, please visit the secretariat room (Phaholyothin room) during the conference.
  2. Allocate your presentation time as follows:

    Presentation Schedule
    Presentation type Talk Question Total
    Plenary lecture (PL) and FAOBMB lecture 50 min 10 min 60 min
    50th BMB Anniversary lecture 40 min 5 min 45 min
    BMB Thailand presentation 25 min 5 min 30 min
    Invited lecture (IL) 25 min 5 min 30 min
    FAOBMB fellowship symposium (S8-session) 17 min 3 min 20 min
    Selected oral presentation (O) (20-min slot) 17 min 3 min 20 min
    Selected oral presentation (O) (15-min slot) 13 min 2 min 15 min

  3. The computer configured with Windows will be used for your presentation at the conference. For those who have prepared the presentation using Mac OS, please ensure that it is compatible with the Windows OS. Personal computer is not allowed for giving the presentation.
  4. Please personally come to the secretariat room to ensure your slides appear correctly on the screen according to the following schedule:

    Event Schedule
    Date Event Time
    22nd November 2023 PL-1, PL-2 Before 12:00
    23rd November 2023 FAOBMB Award for Research Excellence lecture, PL-3 Before 8:30
    Session S4A Before 10:00
    Sessions S1, S2, S3, S4B Before 12:00
    24th November 2023 FAOBMB Entrepreneurship Award lecture, PL-4 Before 8:30
    Sessions S5, S6, S7, S8 Before 12:00
    25th November 2023 PL-5 Before 8:30
    Sessions S9, S10, S11 Before 10:00
    26th November 2023 50th BMB Anniversary lectures, BMB Thailand Award presentation Before 12:30
Download Template


Instructions for poster preparation

  1. The dimension of each poster must not be larger than 90 cm (width) x 120 cm (height). Do not try to make your poster bigger than this size as it may not fit the poster board.
  2. There is no fix font size for your poster but the title and authors should be readable  1 meter away.
  3. Poster should contain abstract, introduction, method, result, summary, discussion.
  4. We also encourage you to use a graphical abstract to simplify your presentation. All tables and figures should be prepared with high resolution and quality.
  5. Do not overload the poster by using too small fonts. Too much material may mean less communication.
  6. Please download poster template for the preparation.
  7. Materials for mounting posters will be provided on-site.

Instructions for poster display and presentation

  1. The poster stand size is 1 m (width) x 2.5 m (height). The dimension of this poster must not be larger than 90 cm (width) x 120 cm (height). Be sure that the title and the texts should be readable one meter away.
  2. The general guideline and template for poster preparation can be found at
  3. Posters will be displayed either in the exhibition hall (Vibhavadee Ballroom C) or outside (See the map).
    poster map
  4. Each poster has been assigned with a poster ID and is categorized under different disciplines. Check your poster ID from the Table below.
  5. Mounting materials will be provided at the poster stands.
  6. The odd-number posters will be displayed on 22nd and 23rd November 2023. They should be mounted before 12:30 of the 22nd November 2023 and removed by 18:00 of the 23rd November 2023. The even-number posters will be displayed on the 24th and 25th November 2023. They must be mounted by 10:30 of the 24th November 2023 and removed by 15:00 of the 25th November 2023.
  7. Presenting authors of the odd-number posters are requested to stand by their posters from 16:00-18:00 of the 23rd November 2023, and those of the even-number posters are requested to stand by their posters at 16:00-18:00 of the 24th November 2023.